#TweetupSL 3

TweetupSL 3

Success is where preparation and opportunity meet, and as a result of Sri Lanka’s Twitter meet up, TweetupSL 3 happened for the third time on the 1st of September 2012  and it will take place at the Warehouse Project from 3.00pm onwards. (Confirm your participation via tweetupsl.org).

Twitter is a social networking and microblogging service that enables its users to send and read other users’ messages called tweets. Tweets are text-based posts of up to 140 characters displayed on the author’s profile page. Tweets are publicly visible by default; however senders can restrict message delivery to their friends list. Users may subscribe to other author tweets—this is known as following and subscribers are known as followers.(Source – Wiki ) Tweetup is; it is a global term for a physical gathering of Twitter users (or tweeps). The reason for this being such a unique experience is that unlike Facebook or Google+, the need for a real name is not required by Twitter and therefore people can continue communicating with each other via Twitter without ever knowing the person on the other side. Meeting these people face to face is a unique experience where everyone finally gets to put a name and a real face to the normal, the crazy and the downright outrageous usernames they communicate with.

TweetupSL is an informal gathering of the Sri Lankan twitter community. It started out as a small group and in its third year running the concept has caught on. ‘TweetupSL’ is the name given for the first ever large-scale meet-up of Twitter users in Sri Lanka. This was held on 26th August, 2010 at Coco Veranda – a coffee house in Colombo 07. Though the initial registration confirmed the participation of about 80 persons, the final turnout was over 100 people and it was amazing success. With an increasing number of active tweeps in Sri Lanka and a growing enthusiasm for this kind of social media openness via Twitter, Foursquare, and Facebook Pages and Events, gatherings like this may soon become much more common than what was thought possible just a few months ago. TweetupSL 3 hopes to see the participation of 300 or younger professionals, techies and start-up owners. Majority of the crowd are those who are almost always online, connected over numerous social media – mainly Twitter. The event will have a number of group-games, gift give-aways, presentations and basically a lot of networking among the crowd. It’s not bigger with just the number of participants but there’s also a much larger interest from sponsors with Dialog Axiata(@dialoglk), Coco Veranda(@cocoveranda), WarehouseProjct (@WarehouseProjct), American Center(@USEmbSL), Daily Mirror(@DMbreakingnews), China Doll Noodles(@chinadollLK), E FM(@efm_colombo) , Xiteb(Pvt) Ltd(@xiteb), Virtusa Corporation(@VirtusaCorp), SLIM(@slimsrilanka), Elephant House(@ElephantHouseLK), Kik Cola(@KikColaLK) and Beautiful-U (@BeautifulULanka) coming forward as sponsors for the event. You can view all individuals who have registered to attend so far, at tweetupsl.org by signing in with your Twitter account.

The best Part is there will be Twitter awards this time where you can also vote for several Twitter awards under the following categories.Mr.Tweep of the Year, Ms.Tweep of the Year, Most Informative Tweep, The Tech Tweep of the Year, TwitterHolic of the Year, Most Controversial Tweep of the Year, Twittertainer of the Year, Funniest Tweep of the Year, SportaHolic Tweep of the Year, InstagramHolic of the Year, Best Diplotweep.

Hey tweeps please drop into TweetupSL 3 and blend up with other Tweeps, get to know and enhance the friendships among Tweeps.

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